Saturday, November 10, 2007


Praise the Lord for Joshua has finally arrived on 8th November at 1516hrs!

Many have told me about the process but I've never realised how magical it is till we've been through it. The emotions came like 30-foot waves and I've got to fight it back with all my might to prevent the tears from gushing out. I've got to be strong for Mummy as she accomplished one of the most (if not, the most) amazing wonder in God's kingdom.

As I looked into Joshua's eyes, there is this unexplainable feeling as if both of us have long for each other for the longest time. As the nurse prepare him for all the various tests, I stood frozen as the little fellow held on to my index finger. It was then that I realized that one's life will never be complete without having your own child. It is has been reiterated in the Bible, and the real thing is never far from the truth.

Baby Joshua weighed in at a healthy 3.12kg, measured 51cm from head to toe and the head circumference measured 33cm. He follows Mummy's blood group ie. B+ and as the gynae remarked later, one of the most 'good-natured' baby that she has ever delivered. There was no incessant wailings, nor did he squirmed or fight against whoever held him. He was just quietly observing all that is around him, slowly taking in the new surroundings. He took to breast-feeding without much fuss and looked contended just being held snugly to Mummy's breast.

Many came to visit us during our stay in the hospital and we thanked all who came as well as the numerous greetings and best wishes that we received. My Dad was over-joyed and as Mikael described, was smiling from ear to ear :) My mum was cool about it, but I am sure she's just trying to suppress her emotions as she has finally joined the ranks of 'Grandma' among her siblings. We were also grateful for Janet and Alan who came to help out and chose to spend their free time with Joshua.

Well, the journey has finally came to an end, but a new chapter is now being written as I typed away. There are many new challenges ahead of us, and I believe, with God's Help, we will nurture and raise Joshua in His teachings.

Monday, November 5, 2007

38th Week

Latest Stats : Joshua now weighs in at 3kg, and definitely (according to Mummy) running out of space :). Our last trip to the gynae was kinda of disappointing, not with the test results, but that baby seems to be taking his time and will not be due anytime soon.

Well, that gives both of us some more freedom on our hands to catch up with activities/places which we have yet to accomplish. Once Joshua arrives, that gives us very little time to ourselves and our attention will be fully focus on him.

I've been giving Mummy regular massages lately to help relieve those aches. Sometimes it can be quite bad, especially when she needs to roll to one side on the bed. Those cramps are still keeping me awake in the middle of the nights and for the first time, we have our first experience on how a contraction might be like. On a single night, she had 3 contractions and that gave us a chance to practice what we learnt during the pre-natal classes.

Everything almost ready for his pending arrival, lest perhaps the window film which I have yet to find time to put on. Got to get my Mum to alter the curtain for Joshua's room or it won't be ready in time. And for the first time, Mum has started calling her grandson using his name. That's reassuring cos it probably means she's gonna have the right mentality to take care of him while both of us are at work :)

Monday, October 8, 2007

33rd Week

Well, I have been lazy. Yes, lazy in updating the progress of Joshua and Mummy. But that does not mean I have slackened in taking good care of both of them :) Mummy, as usual, has been complaining about her growing tummy and the strain on her hip. Being a lovey dovey husband :P, I've been giving her massages as often as I can.

The past few scans have revealed more of baby Joshua to us. The face, limbs, and even the feet had been fascinating. Hearing the heartbeat is like a melody to our ears, his very little movement being monitored like a seismic graph.

Mummy has been telling me about Joshua's every movement, every little kick and elbow that causes a little discomfort to Mummy. The frown on Mummy's pretty face paints a different picture to what she is feeling inside. Cos we are both excited of the pending arrival of our precious little prince :)

We have completed most of the necessary tasks leading up to the delivery. Mummy even prepared a colorful illustration with detailed tasks on what are required for the admission :) Well, Daddy has been a little slack but often than not, has been the busier in making sure that the delivery will be as smooth as the baby backside ... hehe :P

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

22nd Week

Mummy and baby Joshua are doing great. She has put on about 3-4kg now, and the tummy is getting rounder with each passing day :) Mummy is getting more accustomed to her growing bulge now, but the weight is adding on to her growing muscle aches. Well, there's always the Daddy to help ease those pain right? A little massage before bed each night definitely help Mummy to get to sleep easier.

If you think thats the end of the day, you're probably half right. Mummy's into her second trimester now, so every now and then, she'll experience a little cramp into the night. So you see, Daddy is now handy to ease those pain :)

We're visiting the gynae tomorrow for our next checkup. A series of tests will help to determine if the baby is growing fine. Nothing that a little prayer won't help, at least to ease the peace of mind.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Our Creation

Some says we are too young to start a family, and at times, we felt comforted by the comment.

Maybe its the pressure from peers (u guys know who you are :P) or from our parents, we decided to take the plunge and have ourselves a piglet (pun intended) this year.

Little baby Joshua was created sometime mid-March 2007 (we'll leave out the details from prying eyes and ears :P), and made the discovery *wide eyes* during a routine check-up at Celyne's gynae. We were both hesitant as most first time couples are, not knowing if this could be a false alarm. Keeping our feet on firm ground, we kept the news to ourselves and pray with each passing day, that God will grant us our wish.

Another visit to the gynae a month later brought joyous news to our little family. Little Joshua is growing well inside his mummy's womb, and its time to break the news to our love ones.

My dad had a cool response to the news, but I know deep down in his heart, he is overjoyed with the news - the arrival of his first grandchild.

Mum was cooled about it too, but she didn't really do a great job at hiding her excitement from us.

Celyne's Mom and Sister were overjoyed with the news, as their advice and nagging had finally reaped the rewards. In fact, everyone were happy for us, and to us, that matters a lot.

Over the past 3 months, Little Joshua has been growing healthily and has been the main course of concern to Celyne because of - her waistline :). Me, at attempting to be the caring partner, will constantly remind her of the pending arrival of our first-born, and distract her from the growing bulge, which as time goes by, limited her view of her pretty toes.

We read up on all the pre-natal reading materials that we can get our hands on, surfing the net for every little doubt e.g. will eating too much chili padi affect the baby? Yeah, we know it may sound ridiculous to you, but in our household, that is a staple for every meal :)

It was a learning process for both of us, absorbing information about the pregnancy at every stage, widening our horizons at the same time. At the same time, its a humbling lesson to learn that some of the presumptions that we have do not hold true, and we have to quickly learn and adapt our ourselves to changes in our lives. Sounds very much like adopting the best practices, doesn't it? *wink*

With the baby, along came the need to get new stuff for both mommy and child. Celyne can no longer fit into her ridiculously tiny pants, nor can she hide her growing tummy beneath those kiddy Ts. New pants, new blouses, new shoes ... and one must wander how much money it can be made from these maternity wear. I, for one, do feel the pinch at times, but the thought of Little Joshua quashed any lingering doubts exist. Only the best for mommy and child, nothing less.

Up till the 19th week, we were still wondering about the gender of the baby. It was only during a visit to the gynae on the 20th week did we confirm that we are expecting a son. Even before the news broke, many have predicted that due to the shape of Celyne's tummy shape, we will be expecting a son. Don't ask me how they got it right, but I suppose its a 50/50 chance isn't it?

To me, this also sets off a fervent search for an appropriate and meaningful name. Many names came and pass, but one struck a strong chord with me - Joshua.

Its not the pronounciation nor the popularity that draws me close to this name, but the meaning behind it - "Jehovah Saves". I may not have been a faithful servant of God, but I am in no doubt that He will play an important role in my son's growing years, teaching him the correct values and learning to "live" the Bible.